
RSE Meet-Up 2021

On 21 June N8 CIR organised its third meeting of research software engineers. Taking place online the event featured presentations and discussions about the role of RSEs across the N8 Research Partnership.

The first part of the session was a showcase of RSE case studies. These presentations are a great way to understand the breadth and depth of work that RSEs undertake. It can also spark ideas for new collaborations and ways of working both collectively and at individual institutions.

Improving the Sustainability of the BOUT++ Project Peter Hill

RSE team & Running Software Carpentries workshops, CarpenPI Jannetta Steyn

Mobile Development Projects in the Humanities Adrian Harwood

Accelerating CASTEP Phil Hasnip

Following the case studies, participants participated in speed networking sessions, bringing together members with similar interests and experiences to discuss key themes.

Finally, following a short break, there was an extended discussion of how to enhance collaboration between RSEs and RSE Groups in the N8. Plenty of strong ideas and themes emerged from this session and these will be incorporated into future events and activities.

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