
Digital Humanities Case Studies

Find out more about how the N8 CIR has helped Digital Humanities researchers in furthering their work.

Thea Pitman

Digital Humanities - University of Leeds

Thea Pitman is a Professor of Latin American Studies in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies at the University of Leeds. AI: Artificial Intelligence, Art and Indigeneity was a pilot research project that set out to explore the ways in which new generative AI programmes for visual art represent Indigenous peoples and cultures.

  Thea Pitman AIAI

Mark Turner and Stephen Downsland

Digital Humanities - Newcastle University

Caring for pre-historic rock art can be incredibly challenging as the rocks are often in remote places.

In this project RSEs developed a mobile app that enabled the general public and and specialists to provide photographs and condition reports about the rocks. These reports could then be used by those responsible for caring for the rocks to ensure their conservation and preservation.

  Condition and Risk Assessment Portal (CARE)

Susan Fitzmaurice and Seth Mell

Digital Humanities - University of Sheffield

Professor Susan Fitzmaurice and Dr. Seth Mell's project is called 'The Linguistic DNA'. It has analysed more than 1 billion words from 60,000 printed English documents from the 16th and 17th centuries in the search for patterns of words and meaning.

In this project the RSEs developed a bespoke computational linguistics tool to perform computational tasks; something that was impossible to achieve with existing software.

  The Linguistic DNA (LDNA)

Michael Richardson and Kate Court

Digital Humanities - Newcastle University

Dr Michael Richardson's project was a proof of concept application to create a mobile web app to help young dads connect with their children. This pilot project will provide evidence to support future funding bids.

  Using 3D Augmented Reality for Virtual Storytelling

Dan Birks and Alex Coleman

Digital Humanities - University of Leeds

This project aimed to build a proof-of-concept that would utilise data collected by public sector agencies to model and forecast rates of crime on a daily basis within a specific geographic area.

  Demand and Supply Modelling for Modern Policing

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