
N8 CIR Governance

N8 CIR has several governance structures which ensure representation and input from all N8 universities and stakeholder groups.

This diagram shows the main groups that contribute to the running of N8 CIR as well as the flow of information between them. You can read more about the purpose and membership of these groups further down the page.

N8 CIR Governance Structure
N8 CIR Governance Structure

Steering Group

The Steering Group comprises senior representatives from all N8 universities and the Project Directors Group. The group meets quarterly to discuss strategic issues for the CIR and the Bede facility.

  • Stewart Clark, Professor of Physics, University of Durham
  • Christopher Jewell, Professor in Statistics, Lancaster University
  • David Baldwin, Director of Digital Research, University of Leeds
  • Jake Gannon, Director of Computing Services, University of Liverpool
  • Paola Carbone, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Manchester
  • Umair Ahmed, Senior Lecturer in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Thermofluids, University of Newcastle
  • Saul Cozens, Head of Research and Innovation IT, University of Sheffield
  • Agnes Noy, Senior Lecturer, School of Physics, Engineering and Technology, University of York
  • Sam Bland, N8 CIR RSE Theme Lead, University of York

The Project Directors Group members also attend the Steering group meetings to report to the steering group.

The Steering Group terms of reference can be found here: Steering Group TOR

Project Directors Group

The N8 CIR management team meets on a fortnightly basis.

  • Matt Probert, N8 CIR Director (University of York)
  • Stewart Clark, N8 CIR Deputy Director (Durham University)
  • Alan Real, N8 CIR Technical Director (Durham University)
  • Sam Bland, N8 CIR RSE Theme Lead (University of York)
  • Ric Campbell, N8 CIR RDM Theme Lead (University of Sheffield)
  • Mariann Hardey, N8 CIR WIDENS Director, Widening Participation, EDIA, and Sustainable Computing Skills Training  (University of Durham)
  • Emma Finch, N8 CIR Programme Manager (University of Manchester)

Project Working Group

The Project Working Group consists of senior Research IT technical staff from all N8 universities. The group meets on a quarterly basis.

  • Emma Finch, N8 CIR Programme Manager (University of Manchester)
  • Alan Real, N8 CIR Technical Director (Durham University)
  • Sam Bland, N8 CIR RSE Theme Lead (University of York)
  • Mark Dixon, Durham University
  • Mike Pacey, Lancaster University
  • John Hodrien, University of Leeds
  • Manhui Wang, University of Liverpool
  • Dave Love, University of Manchester
  • John Snowdon, Newcastle University
  • Michael K Griffiths, University of Sheffield
  • Emma Barnes, University of York

The Project Working Group terms of reference can be found here: PWG TOR

Bede Governance

Bede, N8 CIR's high-performance computing platform, has a separate governance structure, which can be viewed at: Bede Governance

Terms of Reference

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