A set of four invited talks, delivered by RSEs working across the N8 Research Partnership.
Durham University - Growth of an RSE Team in Durham
This presentation will feature the complete research software engineering team from Durham University.
Speaking will be Ed Ruck-Keene, Alison Clarke, Marion Weinzierl and Jonathan Frawley.
They will give a short overview on how the Research Software Engineering part of the Advanced Research Computing unit at Durham University went operational within a few months, how we established contact with the researchers and academics at the university, and what kinds of projects we have been working on so far.
Chris Symonds University of Leeds(CEMAC) - Simple interactive data exploration apps with R-Shiny
Production of interactive data exploration dashboards is often desired by PIs as part of their projects. This talk will give an example of how the R-Shiny package can make it possible to create intuitive simple data exploration apps with little effort, using as an example a data selection and subsetting app for farm survey data in Malawi.
Details of further talks will be added closer to the event.
This event is only open to those working or studying at one of the N8 Universities.