The list is ordered alphabetically. If you are organising an online course or plan to share resources, or know someone else who is, then please send the details to and we will add it to this page as soon as we are able.
Here the N8 CIR brings together links to online training and resources that people may find useful to access.
The list is ordered alphabetically. If you are organising an online course and plan to share resources, then please send the details to and we will add it to this page as soon as we are able.
ARCHER HPC training
The UK national supercomputing service, ARCHER, provides large amounts of HPC training that is free for all UK academics. Courses cover a range of abilities from beginner to advanced and are run at a variety of locations around the UK.
AUTOMATION AND MAKE: software Carpentry University of Manchester
COMMAND LINE: Introduction to the command line for bioinformatics University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
DATA VISUALISATION: Introduction to data visualisation and analysis University of Manchester
DATA VISUALISATION: Data manipulation and visualisation University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
GIT & GITHUB: Collaborative distributed version control with Git CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Introduction to version control with Git and GitHub CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Introduction to version control with Git CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Using Git to code, collaborate and share Imperial College London
GIT & GITHUB: Version control with Git Software Carpentry
GPU: NVIDIA accelerated computing
GPU: NVIDIA deep learning institute
JUYPTER: Introduction to Jupyter and JupyterLab
LaTeX: Introduction to LaTeX University of Manchester
MACHINE LEARNING: Google machine learning crash course
MATLAB: MATLAB on-ramp and online training
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
The UK national supercomputing service, ARCHER, provides large amounts of HPC training that is free for all UK academics. Courses cover a range of abilities from beginner to advanced and are run at a variety of locations around the UK.
AUTOMATION AND MAKE: software Carpentry University of Manchester
COMMAND LINE: Introduction to the command line for bioinformatics University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
DATA VISUALISATION: Introduction to data visualisation and analysis University of Manchester
DATA VISUALISATION: Data manipulation and visualisation University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
GIT & GITHUB: Collaborative distributed version control with Git CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Introduction to version control with Git and GitHub CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Introduction to version control with Git CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Using Git to code, collaborate and share Imperial College London
GIT & GITHUB: Version control with Git Software Carpentry
GPU: NVIDIA accelerated computing
GPU: NVIDIA deep learning institute
JUYPTER: Introduction to Jupyter and JupyterLab
LaTeX: Introduction to LaTeX University of Manchester
MACHINE LEARNING: Google machine learning crash course
MATLAB: MATLAB on-ramp and online training
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
COMMAND LINE: Introduction to the command line for bioinformatics University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
DATA VISUALISATION: Introduction to data visualisation and analysis University of Manchester
DATA VISUALISATION: Data manipulation and visualisation University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
GIT & GITHUB: Collaborative distributed version control with Git CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Introduction to version control with Git and GitHub CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Introduction to version control with Git CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Using Git to code, collaborate and share Imperial College London
GIT & GITHUB: Version control with Git Software Carpentry
GPU: NVIDIA accelerated computing
GPU: NVIDIA deep learning institute
JUYPTER: Introduction to Jupyter and JupyterLab
LaTeX: Introduction to LaTeX University of Manchester
MACHINE LEARNING: Google machine learning crash course
MATLAB: MATLAB on-ramp and online training
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
DATA VISUALISATION: Introduction to data visualisation and analysis University of Manchester
DATA VISUALISATION: Data manipulation and visualisation University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
GIT & GITHUB: Collaborative distributed version control with Git CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Introduction to version control with Git and GitHub CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Introduction to version control with Git CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Using Git to code, collaborate and share Imperial College London
GIT & GITHUB: Version control with Git Software Carpentry
GPU: NVIDIA accelerated computing
GPU: NVIDIA deep learning institute
JUYPTER: Introduction to Jupyter and JupyterLab
LaTeX: Introduction to LaTeX University of Manchester
MACHINE LEARNING: Google machine learning crash course
MATLAB: MATLAB on-ramp and online training
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
DATA VISUALISATION: Data manipulation and visualisation University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
GIT & GITHUB: Collaborative distributed version control with Git CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Introduction to version control with Git and GitHub CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Introduction to version control with Git CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Using Git to code, collaborate and share Imperial College London
GIT & GITHUB: Version control with Git Software Carpentry
GPU: NVIDIA accelerated computing
GPU: NVIDIA deep learning institute
JUYPTER: Introduction to Jupyter and JupyterLab
LaTeX: Introduction to LaTeX University of Manchester
MACHINE LEARNING: Google machine learning crash course
MATLAB: MATLAB on-ramp and online training
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
GIT & GITHUB: Collaborative distributed version control with Git CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Introduction to version control with Git and GitHub CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Introduction to version control with Git CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Using Git to code, collaborate and share Imperial College London
GIT & GITHUB: Version control with Git Software Carpentry
GPU: NVIDIA accelerated computing
GPU: NVIDIA deep learning institute
JUYPTER: Introduction to Jupyter and JupyterLab
LaTeX: Introduction to LaTeX University of Manchester
MACHINE LEARNING: Google machine learning crash course
MATLAB: MATLAB on-ramp and online training
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
GIT & GITHUB: Introduction to version control with Git and GitHub CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Introduction to version control with Git CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Using Git to code, collaborate and share Imperial College London
GIT & GITHUB: Version control with Git Software Carpentry
GPU: NVIDIA accelerated computing
GPU: NVIDIA deep learning institute
JUYPTER: Introduction to Jupyter and JupyterLab
LaTeX: Introduction to LaTeX University of Manchester
MACHINE LEARNING: Google machine learning crash course
MATLAB: MATLAB on-ramp and online training
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
GIT & GITHUB: Introduction to version control with Git CodeRefinery
GIT & GITHUB: Using Git to code, collaborate and share Imperial College London
GIT & GITHUB: Version control with Git Software Carpentry
GPU: NVIDIA accelerated computing
GPU: NVIDIA deep learning institute
JUYPTER: Introduction to Jupyter and JupyterLab
LaTeX: Introduction to LaTeX University of Manchester
MACHINE LEARNING: Google machine learning crash course
MATLAB: MATLAB on-ramp and online training
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
GIT & GITHUB: Using Git to code, collaborate and share Imperial College London
GIT & GITHUB: Version control with Git Software Carpentry
GPU: NVIDIA accelerated computing
GPU: NVIDIA deep learning institute
JUYPTER: Introduction to Jupyter and JupyterLab
LaTeX: Introduction to LaTeX University of Manchester
MACHINE LEARNING: Google machine learning crash course
MATLAB: MATLAB on-ramp and online training
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
GIT & GITHUB: Version control with Git Software Carpentry
GPU: NVIDIA accelerated computing
GPU: NVIDIA deep learning institute
JUYPTER: Introduction to Jupyter and JupyterLab
LaTeX: Introduction to LaTeX University of Manchester
MACHINE LEARNING: Google machine learning crash course
MATLAB: MATLAB on-ramp and online training
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
GPU: NVIDIA accelerated computing
GPU: NVIDIA deep learning institute
JUYPTER: Introduction to Jupyter and JupyterLab
LaTeX: Introduction to LaTeX University of Manchester
MACHINE LEARNING: Google machine learning crash course
MATLAB: MATLAB on-ramp and online training
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
GPU: NVIDIA deep learning institute
JUYPTER: Introduction to Jupyter and JupyterLab
LaTeX: Introduction to LaTeX University of Manchester
MACHINE LEARNING: Google machine learning crash course
MATLAB: MATLAB on-ramp and online training
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
JUYPTER: Introduction to Jupyter and JupyterLab
LaTeX: Introduction to LaTeX University of Manchester
MACHINE LEARNING: Google machine learning crash course
MATLAB: MATLAB on-ramp and online training
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
LaTeX: Introduction to LaTeX University of Manchester
MACHINE LEARNING: Google machine learning crash course
MATLAB: MATLAB on-ramp and online training
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
MACHINE LEARNING: Google machine learning crash course
MATLAB: MATLAB on-ramp and online training
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
MATLAB: MATLAB on-ramp and online training
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
MATLAB: Introduction to MATLAB Software Carpentry
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
MATLAB: Teaching with MATLAB
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
R: Data analysis using R
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
R: R for reproducible scientific analysis Software Carpentry
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
R: Programming with R Software Carpentry
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
Essential data analysis skills for researchers University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
R: Introduction to RNA-seq analysis in R University of Sheffield Bioinformatics Core
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
The N8 CIR supported an initiative to create a set of resources for running hackathons around the topic of reproducible research code. The site supports running events, hosting and reviewing related papers and useful resources for organisers and participants.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: CodeCademy - Learn to code online
The Software Sustainabilty Institute have collected dozens of guides on these pages, some written by us and some from around the community. The guides provide detailed advice on everything from better development practices to managing communities.
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: Essential software engineering for researchers