Introductory address
Alan Real (Durham University) |
Building trust and effective communication between DRI professionals and researchers from different disciplines
Chair: Saranjeet Kaur Bhogal (Imperial College London) Panellists: Arianna Ciula (King's College London), Kirsty Merrett (University of Bristol), Paul Niklas Ruth (ARC, University of Durham), Massimillano Fasi (University of Leeds), Tobias Weinzierl (University of Durham) |
Round Table Discussion |
Linking all DRI Roles, how do we ensure collaboration across the professions?
Facilitated by: Sophie Janacek (UKRI) |
Provision of training materials and digital support networks for academics
Chair: Chris Jewell (Lancaster University) Panellists: Eamonn Bell (University of Durham), Keming Yang (University of Durham), Stephanie Thompson (University of Birmingham), Tristan Martin (University of Manchester) |
Making connections as the ‘lone’ DRI professional in you workspace and hybrid working solutions
Chair: Manhui Wang (University of Liverpool) Panellists: Ben Pietras (University of Liverpool), Diego Alonso Alvarez (Imperial College London), Martin Wolstencroft (University of Bradford), Saranjeet Kaur Bhogal (Imperial College London), Sam Bland (University of York) |
Find the programme for other days of the retreat.