
Monday 13th January


SESSION ONE Introductory address
Alan Real (Durham University)
SESSION TWO Building trust and effective communication between DRI professionals and researchers from different disciplines
Chair: Saranjeet Kaur Bhogal (Imperial College London)
Panellists: Arianna Ciula (King's College London), Kirsty Merrett (University of Bristol), Paul Niklas Ruth (ARC, University of Durham), Massimillano Fasi (University of Leeds), Tobias Weinzierl (University of Durham)
Round Table Discussion
Linking all DRI Roles, how do we ensure collaboration across the professions?
Facilitated by: Sophie Janacek (UKRI)
SESSION FOUR Provision of training materials and digital support networks for academics
Chair: Chris Jewell (Lancaster University)
Eamonn Bell (University of Durham), Keming Yang (University of Durham), Stephanie Thompson (University of Birmingham), Tristan Martin (University of Manchester)
SESSION FIVE Making connections as the ‘lone’ DRI professional in you workspace and hybrid working solutions
Chair: Manhui Wang (University of Liverpool)
Ben Pietras (University of Liverpool), Diego Alonso Alvarez (Imperial College London), Martin Wolstencroft (University of Bradford), Saranjeet Kaur Bhogal (Imperial College London), Sam Bland (University of York)

Find the programme for other days of the retreat.

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