

This page contains slides and datasets used for the Paraview workshop delivered by Joanna Leng and Jonathan Pickering on 25 January 2022.


ParaView is a popular open-source application for the visualization of 2D and 3D scientific data. It is designed to run on a desk top (or parallel cluster for large data) and comes packaged with a wide variety of scientific software. Its graphical user interface (GUI) makes it quick to test visualization techniques on data. Once suitable techniques are selected you can build your own bespoke ParaView application, called a state, or use the knowledge gained to program your own application in another system/language.

This is a general hands-on course that introduces some of the basic visualization techniques using research data produced at the University of Leeds. Harder python exercises are being piloted at the end of the course. It covers:

  • an overview of the GUI
  • how to load, save and reset a state
  • how to alter data using the calculator
  • using contours (isolines and isosurfaces)
  • clipping regions of interest
  • using multiple views to show related views of a single data set
  • using colour and setting your colour map
  • placing titles in the view and saving images
  • creating an animation
  • tracing python scripts, editing traces to lead to writing and scripts and running them in batch

Resources from the event

Visualisation with Paraview Part 1

Visualisation with Paraview Part 2
This PDF will take you through all of the steps you need to install Paraview on your local desktop machine.

Please download and unzip the file so that you have everything you need ahead of the session. Joanna and Jonathan will show you how to use them during the workshop.

This PDF contains the slides from the Paraview workshop, delivered by Joanna Leng and Jonathan Pickering.

ParaView Crib Sheet

These two documents contain information and shortcuts to help you navigate Paraview easier.

These exercises are explained and explored in the Paraview workshop.

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