
R for Text Analysis

This page contains resources from Leah Henrickson's introduction to R for text analysis including links to sample texts and the workshop slides.


Over two sessions in late May and early June, Leah Henrickson of Leeds University offered an introduction to R for text analysis.

During the first session she offered an overview of R and R Studio before showing participants how to prepare texts for analysis. This included removing numbers, capital letters and excessive white spaces.

The second part saw a quick recap of these functions before showing participants how to visualise the date, for example counting the frequency of words. The final practical exercises saw participants plot the data on bar charts and as word clouds.

You can use the Powerpoint slides, below, to learn how to perform these tasks, whilst the specific texts used in the workshops can be downloaded from:

R for Text Analysis

Slides from the presentation can be downloaded as a powerpoint file or downloaded online:

Accompanying slides Accompanying slides

Videos of the presentation:

Understanding R and R Studio

Preparing Your Corpus and Making Plots

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