
Join the N8 CIR WHPC Chapter

Join us in building a more inclusive and equitable HPC community! The N8 CIR Women in HPC Chapter welcomes all members. Join our chapter now and be part of the change.

Join the N8 CIR Women in HPC mailing list
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Alternatively email: listserv@listserv.manchester.ac.uk and put
"subscribe n8cir-whpc@listserv.manchester.ac.uk"
in the body of the email. No subject is required.

If you do not receive a welcome email within a couple of days please email enquiries@n8cir.org.uk and ask to be added to the mailing list.

Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • Attend our upcoming events: Stay informed about upcoming workshops, talks, and networking opportunities through the N8CIR website and social media channels.
  • Volunteer your skills and expertise: Share your knowledge and experience by contributing to our initiatives, speaking at events, or mentoring others.
  • Join the conversation: Share your thoughts and ideas by participating in our online forums or attending bi-monthly open meetings.
  • Share your experiences as a woman in HPC by filling in our online survey.
  • Become a member: Sign up for our mailing list to receive updates on our activities and opportunities to engage with the chapter.

Please contact the WHPC N8 CIR Chapter lead, Mariann, at mariann.hardey@durham.ac.uk if you want to share your ideas and get involved.

Together, we can make a difference!

Read case studies from our researchers and their use of the N8 CIR

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