
N8 CIR WHPC events

Our events are dedicated to celebrating and supporting women in the high-performance computing field. Whether you're a student, researcher, or professional, this is the perfect opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, gain insights from industry experts, and foster new collaborations.

Community Meeting in Durham

The N8CIR Chapter of the Women in HPC (WHPC) hosted a successful Women in HPC Community Day on June 27th, 2024, at Durham University. The event brought together women from various backgrounds in HPC, including students, researchers, professionals, and community advocates. 

Event Highlights

Guest speaker:  Christine Arrowsmith, a well-respected HPC professional, delivered a motivational talk sharing her career journey since the 1960s.

Hybrid format: The event catered to both in-person attendees at Durham University and virtual participants via Zoom, fostering wider participation.

Networking and Collaboration: The event provided a platform for attendees to connect, share experiences, and build a strong support network within the HPC community.

The event served as a valuable platform for women in HPC to connect, learn from each other's experiences, and build a strong and inclusive HPC community. Attendees' positive response highlighted the importance of such events in promoting visibility for the chapter and activities of WHPC. 

Next Steps:

The N8CIR Chapter plans to make the community day an annual hybrid event based on an 'in conversation' and fireside chat style with key community members. 

We will continue to organize similar events in the future, fostering connections and empowering women in HPC.

This event aligns well with the WHPC's mission of promoting women's participation and leadership in HPC. We look forward to collaborating with the WHPC global organization on future initiatives.

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