Mariann Hardey and Marion Weinzierl
Durham University
Durham University
Since N8 CIR became a chapter of the Women in HPC organisation they have been working to find new ways of promoting equality and diversity within the RSE community.
Improving Diversity in Research Software Engineering
Marta Camps Santasmasas
University of Manchester
Dr Marta Camps Santasmasas is a PDRA in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the University of Manchester.
Her research is focused on new ways of modelling urban wind flow using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Highly accurate simulations of sub-regions are run on GPUs and combined with less accurate, CPU-derived, models for very large areas of the domain. The result is faster, higher accuracy predictions for key regions of the model.
Modelling Turbulent Flows with GASCANS
Julie Wilson
Digital Health - University of York
Dr Julie Wilson is a professor in applied statistics in the Department of Mathematics at the University of York. She develops methods for data pre-processing and analysis and has experience in statistical pattern recognition, classification and machine learning techniques.
RSEs were able to help her research by rewriting code (originally in C) in R, which significantly reduced computation time.
Cell Morphology.pdfElizabeth Dickinson
Digital Health - University of York and Croda Europe Ltd
Dr Elizabeth Dickinson is a Post-Doctoral Knowledge Tranfer Partnership Associate at the Department of Mathematics, University of York and Croda Europe Ltd. She works on multivariate statistics primarily applied to data from analytical chemistry techniques (chemometrics) and machine learning.
She found working with an RSE helpful as they were able to fix bugs, optimise code, and annotate changes.
Croda Shiny.pdfThea Pitman
Digital Humanities - University of Leeds
Thea Pitman is a Professor of Latin American Studies in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies at the University of Leeds. AI: Artificial Intelligence, Art and Indigeneity was a pilot research project that set out to explore the ways in which new generative AI programmes for visual art represent Indigenous peoples and cultures.
Thea Pitman AIAI
Thea Pitman is a Professor of Latin American Studies in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies at the University of Leeds. AI: Artificial Intelligence, Art and Indigeneity was a pilot research project that set out to explore the ways in which new generative AI programmes for visual art represent Indigenous peoples and cultures.
Susan Fitzmaurice and Seth Mell
Digital Humanities - University of Sheffield
Professor Susan Fitzmaurice and Dr. Seth Mell's project is called 'The Linguistic DNA'. It has analysed more than 1 billion words from 60,000 printed English documents from the 16th and 17th centuries in the search for patterns of words and meaning.
In this project the RSEs developed a bespoke computational linguistics tool to perform computational tasks; something that was impossible to achieve with existing software.
The Linguistic DNA (LDNA)Michael Richardson and Kate Court
Digital Humanities - Newcastle University
Dr Michael Richardson's project was a proof of concept application to create a mobile web app to help young dads connect with their children. This pilot project will provide evidence to support future funding bids.
Using 3D Augmented Reality for Virtual StorytellingHelena Tendedez
Digital Health - Lancaster University
Respire is a data dashboard that brings together data about patients who have about Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder from two collaborating NHS trusts. The information is presented to clinicians in a way that ensures that care decisions are based on reliable data, saving time and improving patient care.
In this project RSEs helped to develop visual prototypes of the app to help increase user engagement with the project.
Respire Dashboard for COPDFiona Menger, Julie Morris,
Matt Forshaw and Becky Osselton
Digital Health - Newcastle University
DAAWN, Digitised Assessment for Aphasia of Written Naming, is a web-based application used to gather information about the process of writing in patients with aphasia, communication challenges in the wake of a stroke or brain injury.
This information is then used to support clinicians speech and language therapy research.
DAAWN - Digitised Assessment for Aphasia of Written Naming