
N8 CIR Announces 2023 Annual RSE Day

Join us for an annual meeting of RSE professionals across the N8 Universities to exchange experiences and discuss relevant topics in the community.

N8 CIR are hosting a day of talks, workshops, and networking for the RSEs in the N8 Universities. This will be a fantastic opportunity for RSEs to learn new skills, meet new people, and find opportunities to collaborate on the collective challenges and advances in the industry.

Date: Tuesday 13th June 2023

Time: 12:00 - 16:00

Location: Mount Oswald Hub South College Durham

This is the first time the event will be held in-person since 2019 and will take place at South College, Mount Oswald Hub in Durham. Attendees will have the opportunity to give a short talk to present their work. We particularly want to encourage early career RSEs to take part since opportunities to present have been scarce due to the pandemic.

I hope that the day enhances the sense of community for the N8 CIR RSE network. Over the past 3 years, we tried to keep going through online events. But being back in a room together will hopefully provide an opportunity to create new connections, meet people you might not have met before, or not in a long time, and have interesting discussions.

N8 CIR RSE Theme Lead, Marion Weinzierl

During the day, we are also hosting an N8 CIR RSE Leaders and Aspiring Leaders meeting, taking place at 10am: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/n8-cir-rse-leaders-and-aspiring-leaders-meeting-tickets-597758821727

More information and sign up: https://n8cir.org.uk/events/N8-CIR-RSE-Day/

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