Library Carpentry Durham 2019.jpg


The following page contains video training, seminars, lectures, events, and materials designed to help you to get the most out of your data.

Recorded Training

The following videos are from our YouTube channel, and are categorised by theme and by course.

All of our training can be used by all resources, but some include examples particular to one of our research themes. Have a look at our specialised training:


Intermediate Python

Total time: 3:03:08

Intermediate Python, part 1 00:46.49

Intermediate Python, part 2 00:46:17

Intermediate Python, part 3 00:50:44

Intermediate Python, part 4 00:39:18

Python for Humanities

Total time: 2:43:36

Python for the Humanities, part 1 00:37:49

Python for the Humanities, part 2 00:48:48

Python for the Humanities, part 3 00:31:40

Python for the Humanities, part 4 00:45:19

Web Scraping with Python

Total time: 00:59:39

An introduction to the Python programming language 00:14:23

An introduction to using Python to collect data from Twitter 00:21:51

An introduction to LDA Topic Modelling and gensim 00:23:25

Twitter Data Analysis for Digital Health Research 00:58:28


R for Text Analysis

Total time: 2:09:00

R for Text Analysis - Understanding R and Rstudio 1:03:00

R for Text Analysis - Making Plots and Word Clouds 1:06:00

Reproducible Analysis in R

Total time: 1:50:27

Reproducible Analyses in R - Part 1 - Introduction and overview 00:08:46

Reproducible Analyses in R, Part 2 - Introduction to R and R Studio 00:19:54

Reproducible Analyses in R, Part 3 - Adding data and basic calculations 00:09:11

Reproducible Analyses in R, Part 4 - Basic plotting with ggplot 00:12:22

Reproducible Analyses in R, Part 5 - Using and understanding the manual 00:11:47

Reproducible Analyses in R, Part 6 - Importing, tidying and working with data 00:40:13

Reproducible Analyses in R, Part 7 - Course summary 00:02:14

Preparing Your Corpus and Making Plots and Word Clouds in RStudio 1:06:48


Managing sensitive research data at the University of Bristol: from planning to publication 0:18:23

Cryo EM

Tuning Characteristics for Cryo EM 00:13:49

Cryo EM, Genomics and other Life Sciences Workloads on Bede 00:37:56

Cryo EM Workflows on Bede 00:37:56


IBM AI Training for Bede

Total time: 1:51:21

IBM AI Training for Bede, Part 1 - Running AI workloads on IBM Power Systems 00:46:28

IBM AI Training for Bede, Part 2 - WML-CE & Open CE 00:43:58

IBM AI Training for Bede, Part 3 - Large Model Support 00:20:55

IBM HPC Training for Bede

Total time: 1:44:32

IBM HPC Training for Bede, Part 1 - Hardware and Software 00:53:57

IBM HPC Training for Bede, Part 2 - GPU Programming 00:32:12

IBM HPC Training for Bede, Part 3 - Application Porting and Tuning 00:18:23


Ethics in Computational Research

Total time: 3:48:21

Ethics in Computational Research, part 1 1:18:45

Ethics in Computational Research, part 2 00:44:57

Ethics in Computational Research, part 3 1:44:39


Total time: 1:49:09

GlueViz part 1 00:57:47

GlueViz part 2 00:51:22

Visualisation with Paraview

Total time: 1:15:50

Visualisation with Paraview - Part 1 00:30:36

Visualisation with Paraview - Part 2 00:45:14

Machine Learning for Humanists

Total time: 5:31:39

Machine Learning for Humanists, part 1 1:32:24

Machine Learning for Humanists, part 2 1:35:04

Machine Learning for Humanists, part 3 1:23:42

Machine Learning for Humanists, part 4 1:32:31

Computer Vision for the Humanities

Total time: 2:18:39

Computer Vision for the Humanities - Part 1 00:57:50

Computer Vision for the Humanities - Part 2 00:43:30

Computer Vision for the Humanities - Part 3 00:37:19

Ethics and deposit/sharing - Making them work together 00:17:50

Accelerating CASTEP Without Breaking - Is Perfectly Portable Performance Possible? 00:16:31

Newcastle RSE Team and CarpenPi 00:10:41

Clinical Code Set Selection in Primary Care Data 00:37:56

Mobile development projects in the Humanities 00:16:56

Analysing the 100,000+ accelerometer datasets in the UK Biobank 00:50:20

Lectures and Seminars

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