Welcome to the 2025 DRI Retreat! Building on the success of the pilot program we ran in 2022, we are happy to be back in Manchester again. The original event was inspired by the “virtual residency” hosted by Oklahoma Supercomputing Centre (USA) that has been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) since 2015 under the leadership of Henry Neeman. This event has been customized to meet the needs of the UK community, with contributions from RSE, RIE and RDMs. The funding has come from STFC, and the organization & vision has come from N8 CIR.
We are excited to have around 100 in-person attendees this year, and over 40 online in a fully hybrid event. You are all very welcome. We hope you will find this event different from anything else you have attended. The intention is not to have experts tell you what to do with lots of PowerPoint, but rather to have facilitated panels and open-to-the-floor discussions, where everyone can share their experiences and learn from each other. Hence, the focus is on research software engineers, infrastructure engineers, and data managers at any stage of their careers, especially those new to these fields. Whoever you are, and whatever your career stage, we hope you will find this retreat to be informative and useful, an opportunity to reflect on your skills and needs, and a chance to network with others in the community.
Have fun, and enjoy the retreat!
Matt Probert, Director of N8 CIR.
The programme is available to download below or click on the links to find out more. Links to YouTube recordings of the sessions will be found on these pages shortly.
DRI Retreat 2025 Programme