

This page contains slides and datasets used for the GlueViz workshop delivered by Jonathan Pickering on 27 January 2022.

GlueViz Overview

It provides a graphical means of exploring relationships within large datasets. It works best for data that is stored in a spreadsheet or table rather than 3D simulation data.

GlueViz enables you to:

  • Explore data via statistical graphics such as scatter plots, histograms and images.
  • Linkage between graphics allows subsets selected in one view to be propagated to the others.
  • Python scripting: additional features can be added using Python, without having to learn too much programming.

This is the pilot version of a general hands-on course that introduces some of the basic visualization techniques before some more advanced Python techniques. It covers:

  • Overview of user interface, drag and drop, subsets.
  • How to load data, visualize, define subsets, and save subsets; input & output file formats.
  • How to use the built-in visualisation tools: histogram .... table
  • Generate multiple related views to present data subsets, unions intersections etc.
  • Comparing and merging multiple data sets
  • Interactive programming via GluViz's interactive IPython terminal
  • Export Python code for generating plots.
  • Develop your own visualisation tools in Python.
  • Q&A on issues around your own data.


Experience with Python programming would help for the later parts of the course, but in not essential. Software Required:

  • Anacond3 with GlueViz and Spyder installed.
  • MS Excel
  • Notepad++
GlueViz Installation Guide

GlueViz Slides

GlueViz Worksheets

GlueViz Data

GlueViz Part 1
GlueViz Part 2

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