N8 CIR Bede Application

This form should only be completed by researchers from an N8 institution or those looking to pilot their work ahead of a formal EPSRC call.

It is strongly advised that you contact your local Research Software Engineering support at https://n8cir.org.uk/supporting-research/facilities/bede/rse-support-bede/ before you complete this form to ascertain if your application is suitable for Bede.

All non-N8 applications have to go through the EPSRC Access to HPC application process. It is hoped that we will be able to give small allocations to non-N8 researchers through a ‘driving test’ scheme for them to test the suitability of their projects before they apply to a RAP call.

We recognise that some researchers may need to pilot their work before a formal EPSRC call. These researchers should answer 'yes' to question 2 and complete the rest of the form as fully as possible.

Your Details

Your Research Details

In order to evaluate applications it is useful to know how access to the N8 HPC resources will empower your research.

13. Please tell us which of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) areas best represents your research. Please select one checkbox from the list below.

Your Computational Requirements

18. Which codes do you intend to use? Please give a web URL or reference where possible.

If there are any licence issues please let us know.

21. Please give details on your expected usage of the system e.g. total hours of use, size and length of your typical jobs or number of nodes concurrently utilised.

Your local RSE will be able to help you complete this section.

Your Obligations

26. Each publication produced as a result of research undertaken on the N8 CIR facility must quote the acknowledgement given below and contact: enquiries@n8cir.org.uk to give details of the publication.

This work made use of the facilities of the N8 Centre of Excellence in Computationally Intensive Research (N8 CIR) provided and funded by the N8 research partnership and EPSRC (Grant No. EP/T022167/1).

Please see https://n8cir.org.uk/about/acknowledgement/ for more information.