N8 CIR Bede Application
This form should only be completed by researchers from an N8 institution or those looking to pilot their work ahead of a formal EPSRC call.
It is strongly advised that you contact your local Research Software Engineering support at https://n8cir.org.uk/supporting-research/facilities/bede/rse-support-bede/ before you complete this form to ascertain if your application is suitable for Bede.
All non-N8 applications have to go through the EPSRC Access to HPC application process. It is hoped that we will be able to give small allocations to non-N8 researchers through a ‘driving test’ scheme for them to test the suitability of their projects before they apply to a RAP call.
We recognise that some researchers may need to pilot their work before a formal EPSRC call. These researchers should answer 'yes' to question 2 and complete the rest of the form as fully as possible.