
Bede Research projects at Newcastle University

A list of Newcastle researchers using the Bede supercomputer in their research.

Researcher Project Title
Aad van Moorsel Application Prediction (Stream anad Batch Applications)
Andy Aspden DNS of turbulent lean premixed hydrogen flames
Anil Wipat Use of deep learning for prediciting therapeutic antibody fragments
Arthur Howard Premature Enhanced Automated Capture of Comfort Knowledge (PEACOCK)
Bo Wei Intelligent Internet of Things
Bo Wei Intelligent Internet of Things
Daniel Cole Computational Medicinal Chemistry
Jacek Cala Autonomous UAV Control in Simulation and Real-world Environments.
Jaume Bacardit Robust and Interpretable Deep Learning for Biomedical Data
Kathryn Garside Creativity Engine
Kathryn Garside Chicken Run
Nik Khadijah Nik Aznan PigSmart Health Monitoring
Sergey Melnikov Structural basis of molecular adaptation to extreme cold
Serkan Turkmen EU Gaters Project
Stephen McGough NUFEB
Stephen McGough mitoML: Machine Learning to understand mitochondrial disease pathology
Tom Penfold Machine Learning for X-ray Spectroscopy

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