
Monday 13th January Q&A

Collaboration and communication

These are questions from the audience during the sessions, not all were addressed. Please contact us if you feel that any/some of them would make good discussion topics for future DRI retreats.

Building trust and effective communication between DRI professionals and researchers from different disciplines

  • What in your experience has destroyed trust between DRI & researchers? What can we learn from this?
  • What challenges have you experienced in day-to-day communication between DRI professionals and researchers?
  • How can organizations maintain employee trust in their EDI/DEI commitments amidst the rise of 'tech bro' cultures?
  • Does embedding RSEs etc within academic groups increase trust - or just reduce cross-communication?
  • Are there any good strategies to build trust with researchers as a junior SSE embedded in a research group?
  • Why should there be only one way of doing things when the groups have different remits?
  • Do you have any horror stories of where communication between DRI/academia broke down? What did you learn?
  • Why would there be a lack of trust?
  • Removing camps is good, but not every DRI professional wants to or gets paid well enough to become a kind of pseudo-academic.
  • More of a comment, but this might be of interest:

Provision of training materials and digital support networks for academics

  • Should the training materials be written by a technical writer rather than someone from the research computing team
  • How do you understand training needs?
  • How do you train your trainers?
  • How do you make your training accessible to people from all backgrounds? (I’m thinking there’s a problem around jargon - hate the word carpentries!)
  • What role do academic peer support networks play in your institution? Do IT teams run them or do academics run them themselves?
  • Is your training included in the central doctoral training provision?
  • What makes self-guided training work well?
  • To what extent do you think training should be developed within an institution vs training that could be developed to serve multiple institutions?
  • How do you deal with no-shows?
  • What form does your training take? Lecture, practical, self-paced?
  • For advanced content how do you ensure material is broad enough to get sufficient interest to be worthwhile running, but also specific enough to be relevant?
  • What about training beyond basic programming? What other areas do we need to cover?
  • Is a different approach required for students and postdocs?
  • Where is training delivered from? Library? IT? Central institute-wide training team? Another area?
  • How do we ensure that the importance of training is recognised by line managers etc?
  • Creating training materials and keeping them up to date takes an awful amount of time. Should it be a dedicated role within the DRI professionals family?
  • How do you assess the value of training; what questions do you ask and how long after the training has been run?

Making connections as the ‘lone’ DRI professional in your workspace and hybrid working solutions

  • Do you think your job could be done well fully in person or fully online, or is some hybrid balance necessary for your role?
  • How have you or your managers built in residence for your role if you’re absent for illness / annual leave?
  • Does your line manager insist on a minimum number of in-person days/week? Does it depend on seniority? Or the length of employment?
  • What are the mental health issues of remote working?
  • Have you found the experience varies if the staff member is new to the team? E.g. asking questions during onboarding and developing relationships?
  • You always hear about what works well for "me" in regards to hybrid working. How do you take into account others' preferences so everyone can thrive?
  • How do you balance the need to go and physically fix systems / go to the data center against hybrid working? Or should systems wait until you're in the office
  • How could you balance hybrid work when F2F works better for those you work with vs home/online that works better for you?

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