12-1pm – Arrival, registration and lunch
What better way to start a conference than with food?
Pick up your name badge, say hello to colleagues, and fuel up for an afternoon of ideas and inspiration.
1 - 2.30pm – The DRI Context, Alan Real and Martin Callaghan
We all enjoy looking at a beautiful landscape, but do we know what the important features are that we’re looking at?
In the first session of the retreat, we'll consider who we mean by DRI professionals, the challenges of communicating across research domains and ask ‘why should researchers make time for you?’
Watch the video on our YouTube channel at:
DRI Retreat Overview.pdf
3 - 4.30pm – Academic Perspectives, Chair Sarah Harris
Fortune, fame and glory, we all pursue things for different reasons.
The retreat’s first panel will feature a discussion on the mindset and motivations of academics. The panel will discuss the pressures faced by researchers and how you can clearly articulate the value your skill and expertise can add to their work.
Panellists, Stewart Clark, Mike Payne, Matt Probert, Tobias Weinzierl
Watch the video on our YouTube channel at:
5 - 6pm – The DRI Landscape, Alan Real and Marion Weinzierl
When projects and challenges mount up, it can feel like you’re facing an academic mountain alone.
Across the UK there are a range of facilities and services that exist to support research. The session will explain what’s available, the motivations for their creation and answer the key question, how do you access them?
Watch the video on our YouTube channel at:
UK SC landscape.pdf